root canal

Victory Dental Care

Providing all dental treatments

Root canal therapy, also known as endodontic therapy, is a dental treatment for removing infection from inside a tooth. It can also protect the tooth from future infections. It is carried out in the pulp of the tooth, which is the root canal.

Here are the detailed explanations the 3 stages of root canal treatment
Extirpation: Initial clean to control bacterial infection. …
Instrumentation: Thorough clean and medicine. …
Obturation: Filling the root canal

Most patients recover from their root canal after a few days. In rare cases, some patients experience complications and may take a week or even two to recover.

Endodontic treatment is the same as dental neurosurgery, also known as root canal therapy, and is actually a branch of dentistry that treats and preserves the root of the tooth. In fact, in neurosurgery, it is a dental treatment that is losing part of the nerves due to caries.

Where is the tooth nerve?

The dental nerve and a set of blood vessels are located in the brain or center of the tooth that become painful and uncomfortable in the event of an impact, crack, or deep caries (caries that has reached the nerve).

Symptoms of dental nerve problems:

Feeling of spontaneous pain
Feeling pain when using hot and cold foods and drinks
Feeling pain at night
No pain and no special symptoms
Complexity of root canal treatment:

Because root canal therapy is one of the most complex dental procedures for treatment, many physicians refer patients with the disease to endodontists or endodontists.

In general, the tooth is made up of two parts. The part that is inside the jawbone is the root of the tooth and the part that is easily visible is called the tooth crown. But in terms of tooth texture, they are made up of four parts:

Enamel, which is one of the strongest parts of the body and teeth. And covers the entire crown of the tooth. In addition to aesthetics, enamel is a great protector for its underlying tissues. It is very important to take care of this strong covering because with the birth of another baby, its birth stops and if it is damaged, it will never be replaced because the tissue is dead.
Dentin, which belongs to the main volume of the tooth and is covered with enamel, and its degree of hardness is less compared to enamel. Dentin is a living tissue and can be repaired.
Cement: which covers the root and is in the third place in terms of hardness. It connects the tooth to the jawbone.
The fourth part is the pulp or the nerve of the tooth. Nerves and lymphatic tissue where the pulp complex plays an essential role in blood supply and innervation to living tooth tissues. The dental pulp is the most sensitive part that senses temperature changes, pressure and any kind of impact and movement.

In general, tooth decay will require endodontic treatment. If the tooth decay is deep and passes through the enamel and dentin and reaches the dental pulp, the presence of bacteria will cause severe pain in the pulp, at which time the infected tissue and bacteria must be removed from the pulp, which can be treated by root or nerve. It is murder.

Root canal treatment steps:

The first thing an endodontist does is local anesthesia. If the tooth that needs root canal treatment is in the maxilla, usually only the tooth and the surrounding tissue are anesthetized, but if the inflamed tooth is in the mandible, the entire jaw should be anesthetized.

After anesthesia, the endodontist or endodontist separates the treated tooth from the other teeth with a thin sheet called a tail rubber. The reason for this is to prevent water and detergents used during treatment from entering the damaged tooth.

The specialist dentist then removes all the decayed parts with a suitable milling and tools and accesses the tooth and root tissue.

After that, we enter the stage of canal formation or cleansing, in which the endodontist removes all the bacteria and the inflamed parts from the root canal. Finally, an antimicrobial solution is used to kill germs and cell debris.

And the final task is to fill all the dental canals with the use of active ingredients (gutta-percha) that are compatible with the patient’s body and have a plant origin.

In most cases, the veneer is placed on the denervated tooth. The importance and necessity of veneers at this stage is due to the fact that because the enamel and dentin have been severely damaged and removed, the teeth must be protected in such a way that they last longer.

Can I brush and eat after denervation?

Since the denervated tooth is bandaged, one should be very careful when eating and brushing while the bandage is on it.

What medications are commonly used after endodontic treatment?

You must get a license from your doctor for each medication, as the dosage and number of times can vary from person to person, depending on the procedure performed on the tooth and the characteristics of the client.

But profen and gelofen are usually the most widely used drugs that are prescribed every 6 hours.

A tooth that has been rooted canal can be painful naturally and because it has become sensitive around it for 3 to 5 days due to the severity and weakness of the surgery as well as the ability of the individual to heal. If this time is longer, the patient must see a dentist.

Prolonged pain can have several causes:

Bone infection
There may still be some bacteria left in the bone and around the roots that either the immune system can kill or the antibiotic must be prescribed by a doctor to speed up the process.

Root canal infection
This can happen when a part of a filled tooth leaks and opens the way for saliva and bacteria. In this case, the bacteria enter the root canal after a few days and cause infection.

And one reason dental veneers after endodontic treatment is to prevent this from happening.

Lost channel
There may be some nerve left inside the tooth that if the infection occurs, the tooth will become sensitive to pressure and in these cases, the doctor should repeat the root canal treatment after examination and radiography.

Leakage of sodium hypochlorite detergent out of the root tip
To control it, endodontists usually prescribe antibiotics and painkillers.

Too large veneer or overfilling of teeth
If the amount of zinc is even a little more than needed, it will put pressure on the tooth wall, which will cause root canal pain.

In this case, the dentist can easily adjust the amount of veneer and filling and remove the excess.

Because endodontic treatment is very sensitive and if done correctly and based on knowledge and experience, the risks and pain caused by it will be greatly reduced, be sure to see an experienced specialist and endodontist.

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